Audit and Governance

Work Programme

containing Joint Audit and Governance

Committee work to be undertaken

September 2024 – July 2024




What is the work programme?


The Audit and Governance Work Programme belongs to South Oxfordshire District Council’s and Vale of White Horse District Council’s Joint Audit and Governance Committee and sets out a schedule of work for the period shown above.  It is a rolling plan, subject to change at each committee meeting; however, the councils may allocate additional work without notice. 


Item title

Meeting date

Lead officer

Why is it here?





26 September 2024




Review of the Future Oxfordshire Partnership


Joint Audit and Governance Committee 26 Sep 2024

Suzanne Malcolm, Deputy Chief Executive - Place

The report has been sent to the committee by resolution of both South and Vale's Cabinets.

To provide recommendations about the future of the Future Oxfordshire Partnership (FOP) to each Council.




Statement of accounts 2022/23


Joint Audit and Governance Committee 26 Sep 2024

Simon Hewings, Head of Finance

Each year the

committee must

approve each council's statement of accounts and ensure they comply with the requirements of accounting practice.

The committee is asked to:
1. Consider the report for the council's external auditor
2. Approve each council's statement of

3. Approve each council's annual governance statements
4. Agree that the committee's co-chairs sign-off the letters of representation to the external auditor





15 October 2024




Internal audit update report - Q2 2024/25


Joint Audit and Governance Committee 15 Oct 2024

Victoria Dorman-Smith, Internal Audit and Risk Manager

The committee is responsible for monitoring internal audit work to ensure an adequate internal control environment.

The committee is asked to review the outcomes of recent internal audit work and to ensure that timely actions are taken to manage risks effectively.




Annual complaints report


Joint Audit and Governance Committee 15 Oct 2024

Mark Minion, Head of Corporate Services

The committee is responsible for reviewing the formal complaints received and performance in responding to complaints against timescales set out in the corporate complaints policy.

To review the complaints and performance in responding within the timescales set in the corporate complaints policy.




Corporate risk review


Joint Audit and Governance Committee 15 Oct 2024

Simon Hewings, Head of Finance

The committee agreed to receive regular progress reports on the Corporate risk register and implementation of the risk management framework.

To review and comment on progress.




Treasury management outturn report - 2023/24


Joint Audit and Governance Committee 15 Oct 2024

Simon Hewings, Head of Finance

The committee is responsible for monitoring the councils' treasury management activity.

To consider the 2023/24 outturn report and make recommendations to Cabinet.




2023/24 Annual Joint Audit and Governance Report to Council


Joint Audit and Governance Committee 15 Oct 2024

Simon Hewings, Head of Finance

An annual report to inform the councils of the work of the Joint Audit and Governance committee was requested by the committee.





Review of the Joint Audit and Governance Committee's Terms of Reference


Joint Audit and Governance Committee 15 Oct 2024

Steven Corrigan, Democratic Services Manager, Darius Zarazel, Democratic Servicez Officer,

In response to a recommendation from an external trainer, the committee agreed to review the terms of reference for the committee.

To review and make recommendations to council for the updating of the Joint Audit and Governance Committee's terms of reference.





27 January 2025




Health and Safety


Joint Audit and Governance Committee 27 Jan 2025

Andrew Busby

The committee agreed to receive regular reports on health and safety.

To review and comment on progress.




Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 (RIPA) annual review


Joint Audit and Governance Committee 27 Jan 2025

Vivien Williams

To inform the Joint Audit and Governance Committee regarding the councils' use of directed surveillance and covert human intelligence sources during 2022 as required by the statutory code of practice.

To note the usage of RIPA during 2024.
To approve the amendments to the RIPA policy.
To agree conclusions in the report and support recommended actions.




Internal audit update report - Q3 2024/25


Joint Audit and Governance Committee 27 Jan 2025

Victoria Dorman-Smith, Internal Audit and Risk Manager

The committee is responsible for monitoring internal audit work to ensure an adequate internal control environment.

The committee is asked to review the outcomes of recent internal audit work and to ensure that timely actions are taken to manage risks effectively.




Treasury management mid-year monitoring report 2024/25


Joint Audit and Governance Committee 27 Jan 2025

Simon Hewings, Head of Finance

The committee is responsible for the scrutiny of the councils' treasury management activity.

To review the councils' mid-year treasury management mid-year report.




Treasury management strategy 2025/26


Joint Audit and Governance Committee 27 Jan 2025

Simon Hewings, Head of Finance






25 March 2025




Corporate risk review


Joint Audit and Governance Committee 25 Mar 2025

Simon Hewings, Head of Finance

The committee agreed to receive regular progress reports on the Corporate risk register and implementation of the risk management framework.

To review and comment on progress.




Internal audit update report - Q4 2024/25


Joint Audit and Governance Committee 25 Mar 2025

Victoria Dorman-Smith, Internal Audit and Risk Manager

The committee is responsible for monitoring internal audit work to ensure an adequate internal control environment.

The committee is asked to review the outcomes of recent internal audit work and to ensure that timely actions are taken to manage risks effectively.




Internal audit plan 2025/26


Joint Audit and Governance Committee 25 Mar 2025

Victoria Dorman-Smith, Internal Audit and Risk Manager

The council audits its services through the internal audit service.

To approve the internal audit plan for 2025/26.





July 2025




Code of conduct annual report - 2024/25


Joint Audit and Governance Committee July 2025

Vivien Williams

The committee has responsibility for having an overview of the standards of conduct framework for councillors, any co-opted members and parish councillors.

To review operation of the code of conduct.




Internal audit annual report 2024/25


Joint Audit and Governance Committee July 2025

Victoria Dorman-Smith, Internal Audit and Risk Manager

To review the work of internal audit in 2024/25 and to consider the annual internal audit opinion.

To monitor the effectiveness of internal audit and to make recommendations for changes as necessary.




Internal audit update report - Q1 2025/26


Joint Audit and Governance Committee July 2025

Victoria Dorman-Smith, Internal Audit and Risk Manager

The committee is responsible for monitoring internal audit work to ensure an adequate internal control environment.

The committee is asked to review the outcomes of recent internal audit work and to ensure that timely actions are taken to manage risks effectively.

